Got this from Femalenetwork's newsletter:
Divine Secrets Of The Pinay Sisterhood:
She wants girlfriends to hold her hands. That line from the book Divine Secrets Of The YaYa Sisterhood is probably one of those that tell how much a woman needs to have her friends around. Indeed, where would you be if you didn't have a fabulous gang of girlfriends in your life?
This month, Cosmo gives you a gal-pal manual to help you keep your friendship alive with your best buds.
DIVINE SECRET #1: Friends are everywhere.
Be open to new opportunities. New technologies (that’s Friendster to you!) and avenues are springing up left and right, allowing you to meet new interesting people beyond your ordinary social circles. Try joining more non-office activities, like being a member of a nearby gym, a charity group, or even an egroup dedicated to a particular hobby or theme.
DIVINE SECRET #2: Friends help you live longer.
We’ve all known secretly that friends are way better (and cheaper!) than going to a shrink or spending thousands of pesos on expensive aromatherapy massages and treatments. But a UCLA study actually discovered that when women run to their friends to distress, they produce higher levels of a hormone called oxytocin, which further counters stress and produces a calming effect.
DIVINE SECRET #3: Friends (and family) should always come first.
Yes, yes, we all know that you’re a modern woman, capable of holding her own among the men—but that doesn’t mean that you should commit the same mistakes they do. While work should be an essential part of your life, it shouldn’t mean that you should place it as your number one priority.
***I have been priveleged enough to find good's like finding diamonds in dustheaps...I have been truly truly blessed!***
Last night, went out with a friend that I haven't seen for the looonnngggeesssttt time...and of course, we made kwento kwento about what happened na to us and our so called life for past year or so...when I started to make kwento about what happened to me and A...something weird happened..well not really weird..just magulo...i kinda felt na parang I dunno what happened to us ...ayan pati ako naguluhan...before when I make kwento about what happened to me and A, I'd remember every fucking detail that happened...i still remember pa din naman but this time...medyo parang I have to think na what I have to make kwento e before tuloy tuloy lang kwento ko...weird? maybe I just made another step to recovery road...and I think I have...I'm better now..much better..I still love him and yes, i do miss him pa din..but I don't cry na..I don't think about him and what happened that much anymore...basta I'm on highway recovery and I'm on its fastest here I come dah-lings...
Carrie: Maybe the past is like an anchor holding us back. Maybe, you have to let go of who you were to become who you will be.
Come on, let’s reason together
By Dr. Harold J. Sala
"For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins."- Matthew 6:14, 15
To forgive someone doesn’t mean you give in, that you capitulate in weakness. But it does mean, in simple terms, that you pull the knife out of your own stomach. Instead of
turning yourself inside out with bitterness, you release the bitterness which has been gnawing at your innards, and you allow the process of healing to begin.
Long ago God held out the olive branch of peace to those who had wilfully and knowingly
turned against Him. He invited them to stop and reason, to think, stressing the fact that to give and accept forgiveness is not only reasonable, it is the only path to healing and restoration. Here’s the famous text found in Isaiah 1: "Come now, let us reason together,’ says the Lord. ‘Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the best from the land; but if you resist and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword" (Isaiah 1:18-20).
Wrongdoing or the extent of it isn’t the issue. Ok, you were wronged. "Come, now," God
says, "let’s reason together." Have you ever wondered why people refuse to forgive, why
they hold on to bitterness that becomes a cancer that eats them away? Medical research has
provem conclusively that people who are free of bitterness and anger live longer, enjoy
life more, and are more free of hang-ups than those who refuse to forgive. There is no
logic in living with bitterness.
Long ago the writer of Proverbs said, "There’s a way that looks harmless enough; look
again–it leads straight to hell" (Proverbs 16:25, the message). The way that often seems
right from a human standpoint is the way of revenge, of getting even. Jesus talked about the way that is straight and narrow, which leads to life, and the path that is wide, the
well-travelled one, that leads to death. It’s your choice.
Releasing bitterness, giving up your right to hurt someone because that person hurt you,
is not only good for your health, but also good for your heart and soul as well. Frankly, the best way to deal with those who hurt you is to forgive them, love them, and let God deal with them in His way, and in His time. Paul’s statement, "‘Vengeance is mine; I will repay,’ says the Lord" is not idle chatter.
Have you forgiven the one who hurt you? Jesus said that unless we forgive others, our
Father in heaven will not forgive us. So just in case, since you are possibly less than
entirely saintly yourself, better learn to forgive. Say it, write a letter, make a telephone call–whatever is necessary–just do it. You’ll be the winner when you do. - Resource Reading: Luke 16:1-13
May 12, 2004
I have loved to the point of madness;
That which is called madness,
That which to me,
Is the only sensible way to love.
~ by F. Sagan ~
Enjoying my much deserved hiatus...this is the life...a bum's makes me think...i miss my friends...the people i work safety zone...i wanna go back na!!!
May 11, 2004
An Explanation of "Letting Go"
The experience of love is an inner state. When this is present, you are happy, alive and free. You feel good about yourself and good about life. As you bring the experience of love into your life, life works effortlessly and great things happen.
The opposite of love is fear and upset. When this is present, you close down inside. You lose your creativity and your ability to see clearly. You get tunnel vision and you interact in a way that almost always makes your situation worse.
Whether you live in a state of love or a state of upset depends, not on your circumstances, but on how your relate to your circumstances. A good way to see this is to look at upsets.
Upsets seem to be caused by what happens but they're not. Upsets are caused by your fighting and resisting what happens. To see this in your life, select a recent upset. Now notice what would happen if somehow you were at peace with what happened. There would be no upset.
There would be no upset because upsets aren't caused by what happened. Upsets are caused by fighting and resisting what happened. The moment you take away the fighting and resisting, the upset disappears.
To live in the experience of love, and to create a life that works, you need to stop the fighting and resisting. You do this through a process called "letting go."
Letting go is the inner action that releases the fear and upset. The moment you let go, everything seems to change. With the fear and upset gone, you see your situation very differently. You become creative and discover solutions that you could never have seen before.
To let go, you need to do the opposite of fighting and resisting. You need to let go of your demands and expectations for how life should be and make peace with the way life is.
Find what you are resisting. Then give it full permission to be there. If you have a fear of losing a relationship, be willing to lose it. If you are resisting the way someone is, give the person full permission to be that way.
Be willing for anything. Set yourself free inside. Then take whatever action you need to have your life be great.
Keep in mind that letting go is a state of mind and has nothing to do with your actions. Letting go is the process that removes the fear and upset so you can see what action you need to take.
In your heart, you can be willing to lose someone, but in your actions, do everything you can to make sure the person feels so loved that he or she would never want to leave.
To make letting go a little easier, there are several steps you can take. The first is trusting. Trust that no matter what happens, you will be okay. When you know that you will be okay, letting go becomes relatively easy.
Trusting is also telling the truth. You really will be okay no matter what happens. Life is only threatening when you resist. So stop resisting and trust. Trust that no matter what happens, you will be okay.
The second step in the process of letting go is to be willing to feel your hurt. Be willing to feel all the hurt and the feelings of being not okay that your circumstances reactivate. Be willing to feel the hurt of being worthless or not good enough.
The avoidance of this hurt is what makes you resist. Once you are willing to feel this hurt, the need to resist disappears. You can then let go.
For example, Robert had a fear of losing his wife Jan. To make sure she didn't leave, he hung on to her. His hanging on then pushed her further and further away. Robert was afraid of losing Jan because if she left him, this would reactivate all his hurt of feeling not worth loving. To avoid this hurt. He hung on.
Once he was willing to feel his hurt, the loss of Jan ceased to be a treat. He no longer needed to hang on and became willing for her to leave. The moment this happened he changed the way he related to her. Instead of needing Jan, he started treasuring her. Jan then felt so loved and able to be herself, she didn't want to leave.
This is what happens in life. The more you are able to let go and flow with life, the more life takes care of itself. You may not always get what you want, but you can always be free inside. You can restore both your peace of mind and your effectiveness. You can create a life that works.
"iT iS BeTTeR To HaVe LoVeD aNd LoSt tHaN To NoT HaVe LoVeD aT aLL.
YoU LeaRn To LoVe tHe NeXt PerSoN BeTTeR tHaN tHe FirSt, aNd HoPeFuLLy
iT WiLL LasT a LiFeTiMe. BuT iF yOu CaN KeeP tHe FirSt, By aLL MeAnS--Do iT!"
An Explanation of "Letting Go"
The experience of love is an inner state. When this is present, you are happy, alive and free. You feel good about yourself and good about life. As you bring the experience of love into your life, life works effortlessly and great things happen.
The opposite of love is fear and upset. When this is present, you close down inside. You lose your creativity and your ability to see clearly. You get tunnel vision and you interact in a way that almost always makes your situation worse.
Whether you live in a state of love or a state of upset depends, not on your circumstances, but on how your relate to your circumstances. A good way to see this is to look at upsets.
Upsets seem to be caused by what happens but they're not. Upsets are caused by your fighting and resisting what happens. To see this in your life, select a recent upset. Now notice what would happen if somehow you were at peace with what happened. There would be no upset.
There would be no upset because upsets aren't caused by what happened. Upsets are caused by fighting and resisting what happened. The moment you take away the fighting and resisting, the upset disappears.
To live in the experience of love, and to create a life that works, you need to stop the fighting and resisting. You do this through a process called "letting go."
Letting go is the inner action that releases the fear and upset. The moment you let go, everything seems to change. With the fear and upset gone, you see your situation very differently. You become creative and discover solutions that you could never have seen before.
To let go, you need to do the opposite of fighting and resisting. You need to let go of your demands and expectations for how life should be and make peace with the way life is.
Find what you are resisting. Then give it full permission to be there. If you have a fear of losing a relationship, be willing to lose it. If you are resisting the way someone is, give the person full permission to be that way.
Be willing for anything. Set yourself free inside. Then take whatever action you need to have your life be great.
Keep in mind that letting go is a state of mind and has nothing to do with your actions. Letting go is the process that removes the fear and upset so you can see what action you need to take.
In your heart, you can be willing to lose someone, but in your actions, do everything you can to make sure the person feels so loved that he or she would never want to leave.
To make letting go a little easier, there are several steps you can take. The first is trusting. Trust that no matter what happens, you will be okay. When you know that you will be okay, letting go becomes relatively easy.
Trusting is also telling the truth. You really will be okay no matter what happens. Life is only threatening when you resist. So stop resisting and trust. Trust that no matter what happens, you will be okay.
The second step in the process of letting go is to be willing to feel your hurt. Be willing to feel all the hurt and the feelings of being not okay that your circumstances reactivate. Be willing to feel the hurt of being worthless or not good enough.
The avoidance of this hurt is what makes you resist. Once you are willing to feel this hurt, the need to resist disappears. You can then let go.
For example, Robert had a fear of losing his wife Jan. To make sure she didn't leave, he hung on to her. His hanging on then pushed her further and further away. Robert was afraid of losing Jan because if she left him, this would reactivate all his hurt of feeling not worth loving. To avoid this hurt. He hung on.
Once he was willing to feel his hurt, the loss of Jan ceased to be a treat. He no longer needed to hang on and became willing for her to leave. The moment this happened he changed the way he related to her. Instead of needing Jan, he started treasuring her. Jan then felt so loved and able to be herself, she didn't want to leave.
This is what happens in life. The more you are able to let go and flow with life, the more life takes care of itself. You may not always get what you want, but you can always be free inside. You can restore both your peace of mind and your effectiveness. You can create a life that works.
"iT iS BeTTeR To HaVe LoVeD aNd LoSt tHaN To NoT HaVe LoVeD aT aLL.
YoU LeaRn To LoVe tHe NeXt PerSoN BeTTeR tHaN tHe FirSt, aNd HoPeFuLLy
iT WiLL LasT a LiFeTiMe. BuT iF yOu CaN KeeP tHe FirSt, By aLL MeAnS--Do iT!"
May 10, 2004
Today is my last day...
should I stay or should I go? that, my friends, is the great question of my life.
a YM conversation with a friend
RA: that was my initial reaction din before when P and i broke up
RA: however, its not a good idea to fuck up in every aspect of my life just because we didnt work out
RA: gets?
RA: my work is something that i have control over
RA: if i dont have control over his heart, then so be it.
RA:but i have to control my career so as not to fall entirely
ME: ....
ME: that made sense
ME: everyone is telling me the same thing
ME: but that got to me
RA:kasi, imagine, may heartaches ka na nga, tapos magpapakabum ka pa....
RA:hindi ka ba maaawa ng tuluyansa sarili mo non?!?!
RA: at least u can say to urself na kahit la ka bf, u have money!
RA: hay naku! i can see myself in u!
RA:sa kin naman dati, sa harap ko pa naglalandian
RA: and since we became "frnds" after, he doesnt hesitate to "share"
ME: tangina..sakit nun a
ME: same thing happened to me!
ME: as in sa akin pa sya nagsabe ng crush sya
ME: bwisit
ME: he compared me pa to his other girlfriend
RA: well, i just have to take it and hope that somebody else comes along so taht i can pretend to forget him
RA: tangina! wala namang compare-an!!!!
RA: bad!!!
ME: bad sobra!
ME: kaya nga sobrang bitter ako e
ME: tsaka nahihirapan akong i forgive
RA: dont show him na talo ka
RA: and resigning is actually a sign of defeat
RA: if u cant stay numb, then be honest with him kung anong nakakasakit dahil insensitive sha!
RA: i went ahead and decided to be honest with paul before
RA:so ang ginawa nya,
RA: kng may kalokohan sha, di na nya sinasabi sa kin
RA:at least di ba?
ME: e eto he doesnt care e
ME: he knows na nahihirapan ako
ME: pero "its not my business" daw
RA:leche sha!
RA:napaka insensitive!
RA: i know its none of our business kung makahanap sila ng iba no
RA: pero wag sanang ipagdiinan at ipakita pa!
ME: true!
RA: he's flaunting na madali shang makahanap???
***that made sense...everyone's telling me not to go...I can't asnwer that right now...just let me be during my leave...I need a rest...a much deserved emotional rest then I'll let you know...I need sometime alone to recover what I have lost..myself,my life, my heart, my smile...recoup all my loses then I'll come back...
(Alicia Keys)
I keep on fallin in love with you
Sometimes I love ya
Sometimes you make me blue
Sometimes I feel good
At times I feel used
Loving you darling
Makes me so confused
I keep on fallin in and out of love with you
I never loved someone way that I loved you
Oh,oh,oh I never felt this way
How do you give me so much pleasure and cause me so much pain
Just when I think I've taken more than would a fool
I start fallin back in love with you
I keep on fallin in and out of love with you
I never loved someone way that I loved you (oh baby)
10 reasons why i love being an Assumptionista:
1. we speak and write in straight, really! the only reason we speak in taglish is so that other people (i.e. those not accustomed to speaking straight english) can understand us. Assumptionists, of course, are concerned with proper communication and would always like to get the intended message delivered with the least amount of difficulty.
2. we appreciate good food...what other school would give superior-quality delicacies to every visitor that comes along? Yes, people...i am talking about ASSUMPTION TARTS! the ultimate in fine dining...our canteen siomais are rather good, too.
3. we dress well...while our long sleeved gala uniform leaves much to be desired during humid days, we can honestly say our everyday uniform ROCKS. Red plaid is the way to go, ladies! it's like the Burberry of school wear!
4. we are great one can outshine an Assumptionista on the dance floor when she's in THE ZONE...whether or not she knows how to dance. It's all in the attitude, and we've got lots of that.
5. we have good teachers...who knew biology could be so interesting? and that Shakespearean comedy actually IS funny? with the teachers we have, anything is possible.
6. we make the most of our facilities...who knew a patch of grass could have so many uses? it can be a softball/soccer field, fair grounds, AND a playground!
7. We value hygiene...we have toilets that flush, soap dispensers (not necessarily SOAP, mind you) in our bathrooms, and trash cans in every corridor. now we just need to learn how to use
8.We know how to have a boring party? who cares?! a true Assumptionista can have fun ANYWHERE, ANYTIME. And the Assumptionista idea of "fun" has nothing to do with drugs or
alcohol...just hanging out with friends is enough to make us smile!
9. we take care of each other...within the four (or more) walls of our school the greatest acts of compassion can be found...whether it's just providing a shoulder to cry on or organizing a school wide fundraising activity for a friend in need.
and the thing that i love most about being an Assumptionista...
10. we prioritize GOD... the constant Gospel reflections, daily morning talks, monthly masses and yearly retreats are part of every Assumptionist's life. without God as her spiritual anchor and daily companion, an Assumptionista is merely a shadow of her true self. that is why we are able to shine, no matter what we choose to do!
"THE WORLD IS TOO SMALL FOR MY LOVE." - Mother Marie Eugenie
should I stay or should I go? that, my friends, is the great question of my life.
a YM conversation with a friend
RA: that was my initial reaction din before when P and i broke up
RA: however, its not a good idea to fuck up in every aspect of my life just because we didnt work out
RA: gets?
RA: my work is something that i have control over
RA: if i dont have control over his heart, then so be it.
RA:but i have to control my career so as not to fall entirely
ME: ....
ME: that made sense
ME: everyone is telling me the same thing
ME: but that got to me
RA:kasi, imagine, may heartaches ka na nga, tapos magpapakabum ka pa....
RA:hindi ka ba maaawa ng tuluyansa sarili mo non?!?!
RA: at least u can say to urself na kahit la ka bf, u have money!
RA: hay naku! i can see myself in u!
RA:sa kin naman dati, sa harap ko pa naglalandian
RA: and since we became "frnds" after, he doesnt hesitate to "share"
ME: tangina..sakit nun a
ME: same thing happened to me!
ME: as in sa akin pa sya nagsabe ng crush sya
ME: bwisit
ME: he compared me pa to his other girlfriend
RA: well, i just have to take it and hope that somebody else comes along so taht i can pretend to forget him
RA: tangina! wala namang compare-an!!!!
RA: bad!!!
ME: bad sobra!
ME: kaya nga sobrang bitter ako e
ME: tsaka nahihirapan akong i forgive
RA: dont show him na talo ka
RA: and resigning is actually a sign of defeat
RA: if u cant stay numb, then be honest with him kung anong nakakasakit dahil insensitive sha!
RA: i went ahead and decided to be honest with paul before
RA:so ang ginawa nya,
RA: kng may kalokohan sha, di na nya sinasabi sa kin
RA:at least di ba?
ME: e eto he doesnt care e
ME: he knows na nahihirapan ako
ME: pero "its not my business" daw
RA:leche sha!
RA:napaka insensitive!
RA: i know its none of our business kung makahanap sila ng iba no
RA: pero wag sanang ipagdiinan at ipakita pa!
ME: true!
RA: he's flaunting na madali shang makahanap???
***that made sense...everyone's telling me not to go...I can't asnwer that right now...just let me be during my leave...I need a rest...a much deserved emotional rest then I'll let you know...I need sometime alone to recover what I have lost..myself,my life, my heart, my smile...recoup all my loses then I'll come back...
(Alicia Keys)
I keep on fallin in love with you
Sometimes I love ya
Sometimes you make me blue
Sometimes I feel good
At times I feel used
Loving you darling
Makes me so confused
I keep on fallin in and out of love with you
I never loved someone way that I loved you
Oh,oh,oh I never felt this way
How do you give me so much pleasure and cause me so much pain
Just when I think I've taken more than would a fool
I start fallin back in love with you
I keep on fallin in and out of love with you
I never loved someone way that I loved you (oh baby)
10 reasons why i love being an Assumptionista:
1. we speak and write in straight, really! the only reason we speak in taglish is so that other people (i.e. those not accustomed to speaking straight english) can understand us. Assumptionists, of course, are concerned with proper communication and would always like to get the intended message delivered with the least amount of difficulty.
2. we appreciate good food...what other school would give superior-quality delicacies to every visitor that comes along? Yes, people...i am talking about ASSUMPTION TARTS! the ultimate in fine dining...our canteen siomais are rather good, too.
3. we dress well...while our long sleeved gala uniform leaves much to be desired during humid days, we can honestly say our everyday uniform ROCKS. Red plaid is the way to go, ladies! it's like the Burberry of school wear!
4. we are great one can outshine an Assumptionista on the dance floor when she's in THE ZONE...whether or not she knows how to dance. It's all in the attitude, and we've got lots of that.
5. we have good teachers...who knew biology could be so interesting? and that Shakespearean comedy actually IS funny? with the teachers we have, anything is possible.
6. we make the most of our facilities...who knew a patch of grass could have so many uses? it can be a softball/soccer field, fair grounds, AND a playground!
7. We value hygiene...we have toilets that flush, soap dispensers (not necessarily SOAP, mind you) in our bathrooms, and trash cans in every corridor. now we just need to learn how to use
8.We know how to have a boring party? who cares?! a true Assumptionista can have fun ANYWHERE, ANYTIME. And the Assumptionista idea of "fun" has nothing to do with drugs or
alcohol...just hanging out with friends is enough to make us smile!
9. we take care of each other...within the four (or more) walls of our school the greatest acts of compassion can be found...whether it's just providing a shoulder to cry on or organizing a school wide fundraising activity for a friend in need.
and the thing that i love most about being an Assumptionista...
10. we prioritize GOD... the constant Gospel reflections, daily morning talks, monthly masses and yearly retreats are part of every Assumptionist's life. without God as her spiritual anchor and daily companion, an Assumptionista is merely a shadow of her true self. that is why we are able to shine, no matter what we choose to do!
"THE WORLD IS TOO SMALL FOR MY LOVE." - Mother Marie Eugenie
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